
Why personal development is just as important as academic development…

So Why should you value your Personal Development as much as your studies? As a university student, I imagine you already highly value the importance of your education (The fact that you are paying over £9,000 a year for the pleasure of this should be testament to that!) You recognise that to excel in a …

Why personal development is just as important as academic development… Read More »


Celebrate Your Victories “Celebrate your personal victories because no one else understands, what it took to achieve them.” Nitya Prakash This week we at Semester had a huge breakthrough. We received some significant financial backing, which is going to massively help us on our journey to provide you with your future Personal Growth and Wellbeing …

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GROWTH HACK – Are you Interdependent…

Interdependence /ɪntədɪˈpɛndəns/ Noun the dependence of two or more people or things on each other. Within a couple of our previous blogs so far we have talked around the importance of your environment, surrounding yourself with likeminded people, and we have highlighted the power of interdependence or as it is sometimes also called…mentorship. (See ‘”Look …

GROWTH HACK – Are you Interdependent… Read More »