Stop, Start, Improve…

Its time to review your performance…

“Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own”

Bruce Lee

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As much as its important to create visions, set goals, form new habits, and get focused on achieving your dreams, there is another vital element when it comes to improving performance… you must review your performance!

Without regularly reviewing performance it makes it difficult to understand if you are heading in the right direction. For example, are your tasks aligned with your goals? i.e., are you working on the relevant tasks that are taking you on the path to your ultimate dreams?

When you review your performance regularly, you get insight into what has worked or what has not worked, and it gives you vital feedback that is needed to help you grow in the future.

Reviews can be completed daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly and a review is essentially a set time where you will look at your performance and evaluate it to highlight your strengths and identify changes we can make where a little more work may be needed.

Included within the Semester Student Planner are lots of areas for reviewing your own performance. For example, on your day page we have provided a section for your ‘daily wins’ which can help you to identify the good in your day and provide you with continued motivation…each and every day. Then in addition to that, each day we set our daily ‘focused few’ to create intention, but to also allow you to review how many key tasks that you have committed to completing. The #FocusedFew helps to give you that visual reminder as to whether you are remaining productive!

Moving on from the daily…our weekly review includes a habit tracker which is a vital tool for building the foundation blocks to achieving your biggest goals. The benefit of a habit tracker is that it provides us with a sense of accountability. Within the weekly review section there is also space to jot down your thoughts on the week just passed which allows you to visually see your reflections through the art of journaling (more on the power of journaling in the next few weeks).

Within the Semester Student Planner, we have applied the concept of stop, start, improve to review your performance. Although a basic concept, it is valuable as it looks at your performance for the past week as a whole and its simplicity is easily manageable rather than some of the over complicated performance analytical tools available.

Want to know how it works?…well here goes… 

Stop: What must you stop doing, what is not working or having a negative impact on your results?

Start: What could you start to do which could boost your performance or results?

Improve: What areas are working but could perhaps be improved, what changes could be made which could maximise results?

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This is vital for performance. Reviews are all about building the habit of working purposefully and productively and we encourage everybody to try it. It is a key part of the Semester Student Planner!

Looking for a beginners guide to student personal growth? Check out our latest Ebook here 🎯More Success & Fulfilment this way…

STUDY STOP OFF (The Semester Coaching resources) 

When you find yourself next reviewing your performance use the stop, start, improve methodology that we have created for you here. You could use the space below to apply this right now to a goal you are working towards:  

Moving forward in pursuit of my goals I must:




As with all coaching methodology, we can also use quality questions to help us review our performance. In fact, quality questions are the key to coaching as this is what leads to break throughs. As the Guru of Personal Growth Tony Robbins states: 

“Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers”

Tony Robbins

These questions are all centred around reviewing performance and should you find yourself in a position where things have not worked, take the time to answer the following:  

What has worked so far, and what hasn’t? 

What actions didn’t you take that led to this problem/situation?” 

What else do you need in order to reach your goal? 

What choices do you need to make to achieve your goal? 

What could you do differently to make sure the goals get completed easily? 

What resources will support you to achieve your goal? 

For more on how quality questions can take your studies to the next level read our blog on THE POWE OF QUESTIONS here.

This should give you some valuable insight into your performance and increase your chances of successfully reaching your goals.  

If you found this article useful please let us know. Also be sure to share your journey with us and help us build a community of like-minded folk.

#LetsGrowTogether 🎯


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