The next university (or college) year is fast approaching. Soon the beautiful weather, relaxing times and the long summer we get as students will be a distant memory 😣
However, hopefully this year is going to be the first year for you without a single COVID disruption! Imagine that!
We know that this is no doubt going to be stressful for most and probably the last thing you need is more stress being added onto what is already an overwhelming experience!
But fear not, because we are going to help you overcome the stress and overwhelm with lots of great content throughout August and September, leading up to your first few days back. If your wanting a little piece of this then keep reading below 😉👇
So…over this next month we are going to help you to understand how to prepare for the year ahead, overcome stress and anxiety, get more fulfilment from your studies…all whilst feeling more relaxed and having more time to do the things that you really love.
This will be…
👉 How to plan effectively so that you can get more done with less effort.
👉 Setting goals in a much more effective way than just thinking “new year, new me” 😂
👉 Advice from our own experience of transforming our university experience from being a complete idiot (technical term) to walking out of university with a first only a couple of years later!
👉 Productivity Hacks.
👉 Inspirational quotes.
And…much, much more!
The next post following this one will be a little about me, Nathan, and that very journey I went on from being a complete wasteman of the university world to unlocking my full potential. I will probably cringe like f$%k writing it but it’s the only way to be completely honest as to why with my friend and business partner Joe, we created this movement.
So on that note…buckle in, enjoy the ride and spread this to as many of your student friends that you think could do with that little bit of extra help this year!
Together we can transform the student mental health crisis! #LetsGrowTogether
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